Tag: Diet

So what should I eat for breakfast?

So what should I eat for breakfast? My friend “Robert” tells me that my newspaper column readers want to know what they should eat. Or to put it another way, he suggests that saying to eat meat and vegetables isn’t quite specific enough. So today 

Are Artificial Sweeteners OK? (Page 95)

Are artificial sweeteners ok? This is discussed on page 95 in my book, “It’s All About the Food“. I suggested that stevia was the best current choice. But there are issues you need to consider. This short and simple article tells you more about what 

How The Food Industry Helps Engineer Our Cravings

“No one can eat just one.” Remember that potato chip commercial? They were serious.  Learn more about how the commercial food industry “engineers” our food cravings.If this had not happened, It’s All About the Food would probably have not been needed to help you protect 

Western Diet Damages Gut Microbiota

Perhaps the most important result of a processed food diet is the damage done to your “gut.” The natural fiber in a whole food diet is food for the good bacteria. Some 80% of your immune system resides in your intestinal walls and that system 

Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?

Nothing scares people more than cancer. Since publishing It’s All About the Food l I have been researching the relationship between obesity, diet, and cancer. This TED talk does an exceptional job of packaging all three in an easy to understand way. Yes, we can 

Helping Children Transition to a Healthy Diet

Anyone with children who has read It’s All About the Food is always looking for a way to help children transition to a healthy diet. That is, get out the processed sugars they have become addicted to. This article, How to Help Transition Your Children to 

Chapter 24, “For the Children”

Chapter 24, “For the Children” is a short chapter on a huge subject. The percentage of children obese and with conditions like diabetes and rotten teeth grows. Dealing with those conditions AFTER they happen is so difficult. Here is a video to drive that point