
Alzheimer’s Prevention Part 3 – Nutritional Status

This is the third in my Alzheimer’s prevention series. We now know there is no pill we can pop to make Alzheimer’s go away, so prevention is the key. And according to experts this is possible. You can read the the first two in this 

Is It Possible to Prevent Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s – Part 2

Part 1 in this Alzheimer’s series introduced my sweet mother-in-law as an awful but typical example of what happens with Alzheimer’s. I described how Alzheimer’s might be prevented and even treated, showing how the brain works and how that relates to dementia. By the way, 

Is It Possible to Prevent Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s – Part I

My mother-in-law was a sweetheart. There was little she wouldn’t do for her son, me, and our daughter (her only granddaughter).  It was painful, therefore, for us to watch as she changed from a loving, caring person to a woman who couldn’t remember whether we 

Are we entitled to affordable health care?

The question seems to be, are all Americans “entitled” to affordable health care? On my favorite NPR station this morning I heard repeated an oft mentioned description of the wonderful health care system in Canada.  And it is true that once you manage to get 

No, Lisa. You should not change your diet.

Lisa and her spouse have been on a “keto” diet for many months. That means they have largely eliminated commercially processed foods, grain, and sugar from their diet. Being the fine wife that she is, Lisa’s principal interest was to help avoid the diabetes that 

Fasting – good or bad?

What about fasting? In an earlier post we discussed some confusion about a “keto” diet and whether it should be considered dangerous. Well, what about “fasting?” Should people be doing that or not? Apparently some have been told that diabetics shouldn’t “fast.” Fasting is not 

Conversations and Misunderstandings about Diet

It’s a new year! Let’s just leap into this new year by considering some of the latest things I hear about what is “OK” and “not OK” about diet right here at home in Montgomery County, AR, and across the world. It is exciting, actually, 

The Life of a Working Mother is Unbelievable!

The Life of a Working Mother is Unbelievable!

OMG. A favorite meme on Facebook these days talks about “being old isn’t for sissies.” Forget it. It’s the life of a working mother that isn’t for sissies. It’s ridiculously hard. There is a reason, a serious reason, why we have our children when we 

Too Dang Much Insulin

Too Dang Much Insulin! In my last post on cholesterol, we landed squarely on the first contributor to most chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease. That would be hyperinsulinemia (too dang much insulin). The other small player is your genes. Most of us have no clue 

Hmmm! Should You be Concerned about Your Cholesterol?

Hmmm! Should You be Concerned about Your Cholesterol?

You did your annual blood test. Your doctor says you have too much cholesterol showing up in various lipoproteins, whatever those are. He says you need to take a statin, whatever that is, to reduce the amount. So this is a big question. Should you be