
Eggs are the best!

Eggs are the best!

If you are as old as I am, you may remember the “incredible, Edible Egg” ads created by the American Egg Board in 1975. One can’t necessarily believe anything in a marketing campaign but, in this case, they were so right. Eggs are incredible despite 

Gasoline in the fuel tank is useless if the motor doesn’t run

We humans sometimes want to believe that food is just to make us happy. We relish the taste and the social aspects of eating. And while these are good things, both are really just side benefits.

Something Has to Change!

Are you paying attention to your health? My regular frustration is that so many people won’t pay attention to their health.  Sure, they are willing to go to the doctor and most do.  But that certainly doesn’t mean they are paying attention to their health; 

Not diabetic? How safe are you?

Nobody said you were diabetic so you think you are just fine. Maybe! To understand how safe you should feel, you need to know just a bit about what happens when you are diabetic. Type 2 diabetic You have type 2 diabetes  (T2D). Your doctor 

HELP! I have kidney stones and they hurt

A reader I will call Maria recently called and asked me to write about kidney stones. I can’t speak from experience (thankfully) but I’m told passing a kidney stone is worse than giving birth. At least you have a sweet baby after giving birth but 

Alzheimer’s Part 7 – Sleep and Stress

Prevention of Alzheimer’s Part 7 – Sleep and Stress With Part 7 we have reached the end of this series on prevention of Alzheimer’s. Perhaps you don’t quite remember everything involved in the first six parts. If so, a summary will undoubtedly be helpful. Part 

Why NOT Eat Processed Food!

This article should be Part 7 on stress and sleep in my Alzheimer’s series.  And I promise I will get back to that. But the diet part of Alzheimer’s prevention keeps preying on my mind. Why? Because diet matters to all illness, illnesses that can 

Alzheimer’s Part 6 – Why NOT Vegetable (Seed) Oils!

Woops!  I see that my series has mentioned avoiding vegetable (seed) oils repeatedly but never explained why that is important. A seed is something that can be planted in the ground (grain and legumes are the main ones) and will grow. So let’s just clear 

Alzheimer’s Part 5, Nutrient Deficiency Results in Excess Blood Sugar and Insulin

The point of this series is the possible prevention of Alzheimer’s. If you missed previous parts of the series you may find them by searching under the keyword Alzheimer’s. Part 4 highlighted how a nutrient deficiency in our diet makes us sick. The effects of 

Alzheimer’s Prevention Part 4 – Nutrition Status

Essential Nutrients Here is the deal!  There are 27 vitamins and minerals, 10 amino acids (from protein), and 2 fatty acids (from fat) that are essential, non-optional, nutrients that you must get in your food!  Have you heard of those? Maybe and maybe not but,