
How Soon Would You Like That to Happen?

The problem with your heart is this. If you live long enough, if something else doesn’t take you out first, your heart is going to quit beating. That is why age is the highest risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The question is NOT will you 

Preaching to the Choir

I went to the Hot Springs farmers market at 7am on Saturday morning. Between 8am and noon five of us stood behind different tables in the interest of providing food/health education to folks coming to the market. We have always called this annual event “Food 

Your health is about what you eat MOST days! Part 2

It isn’t about ONE food or even one DAY’s food. It’s about what we eat MOST days. So you have choices to make, choices about the degree to which on most days your diet is adequate in protein, adequate in essential nutrients, and avoids too 

Your health is about what you eat MOST days! Part I

My most recent post was entitled “What Matters Most to Your Health? The central issue was this: a diet deficient in the essential nutrients (called micro-nutrients) including vitamins and minerals is guaranteed to make you sick and probably fat. What has your attention? There are 

What matters most to your health?

As you probably know I usually write about diet associated with some particular condition. And that has it’s downside because your interest depends on whether you think you have that condition. And if not, people tend to think, “Nah. I don’t have that” and stop 

Your relationship with food !

Your relationship with food !

On my desk I have a long list of posts and newspaper articles I plan to write sooner or later. I add to it daily.  So maybe you think I just go to the list and attack the first article like you might clean your 

Harold is Recovering nicely!

Harold is Recovering nicely!

About 3 weeks ago I got a call from Harold, a friend of the family. I wish he had called sooner. Anyway, he had been plagued with persistent thirst, a constant need to urinate, including overnight, and not feeling so good. He has had trouble 

Four important questions you want to answer!

Four important questions you want to answer!

Just yesterday an acquaintance mentioned that his doctor was concerned about his cholesterol. Actually this happens with a fair amount of frequency. Folks read my newspaper articles so they know who I am. In fact, sometimes they come to examine my grocery cart at the 

How important is protein in your diet?

How important is protein in your diet?

Some talk (seemingly forever) about carbohydrates (the sugar in plants) or fat as the bad guys in health and obesity. I confess a level of guilt in the sugar category. And you may be sick of it, particularly since I keep suggesting you change what 

The Source of the Trouble is Digestion

In a past post, Tomatoes are Healthy – Usually, Amelia just had one problem. On the other hand, Martha and Margaret in I am so sick of being sick and There is No Way That Food Could be Causing This  had many problems. Interestingly, in