
What’s for lunch?

You remember “Robert” don’t you? He’s the guy that said my newspaper column readers needed to know what to eat. So last week, in response to “Robert,” I wrote about breakfast. This week we are moving right along to lunch. Disclaimer First, please know that 

So what should I eat for breakfast?

So what should I eat for breakfast? My friend “Robert” tells me that my newspaper column readers want to know what they should eat. Or to put it another way, he suggests that saying to eat meat and vegetables isn’t quite specific enough. So today 

Does Exercise Matter?

In a recent post entitled Good News for a New Year I introduced “Cathy and Augusta” who made major changes to their diet and joined a gym, accomplishing extraordinary weight reductions and well being. Could the changes be attributed to the exercise? In the followup 

How we get fat and why it matters

Simple, you are thinking. We just eat too much! Well, yes, that could factor in. However, as I conveyed in the Lose Weight and Keep it Off series, the actual stuff we are eating matters the most. Body fat is not the enemy. It has 

Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Lose Weight and Keep It Off

My recent post Good News for the New Year highlighted two successful weight loss stories published in The DeQueen Bee, DeQueen, Arkansas. Two women (I called them Cathy and Augusta) decided they had dealt with overweight trials and tribulations quite long enough and did something 

Good News for the New Year!

Good News for the New Year!

The clock ticks toward the New Year.  It might be time for a health resolution and it makes some sense to look at success stories. Perhaps you will be motivated in resolution by the successes of others, especially if you want to lose weight.   

Plants are just chock-full of nutrition?

Plants are just chock-full of nutrition. Surely you have heard this before. Yet we learned something important in my last post “Toxins in Plants?”  Plants can be problematic for some people sometimes. Here is how it works. Seeds All plants grow from seed in some 

Toxins in plants?

In my recent post, Seeking energy with the least effort , we did a fast track though the evolution of animal instincts to seek energy with the least effort, showing how that instinct gets us into trouble today. During our travels we happened on ways 

Seeking Energy With the Least Effort?

“I have to have something to eat. I’m starving.” The natural human (and in fact any animal’s) response to that signal is to find that energy with the least effort. This is an instinct carried over from millions of years of evolution. Let’s follow the 

What’s the trade-off?

Decisions, decisions Every day we make decisions off-the-cuff, most of which seem to be short term. Should I get the oil changed in my car today? Is that the best use of my time versus my pocketbook?  It’s not as if you think carefully through