Plants are just chock-full of nutrition?

Plants are just chock-full of nutrition. Surely you have heard this before. Yet we learned something important in my last post “Toxins in Plants?”  Plants can be problematic for some people sometimes. Here is how it works. Seeds All plants grow from seed in some 

Toxins in plants?

In my recent post, Seeking energy with the least effort , we did a fast track though the evolution of animal instincts to seek energy with the least effort, showing how that instinct gets us into trouble today. During our travels we happened on ways 

Is The Mediterranean Diet Right for You?

Is The Mediterranean Diet Right for You?

It’s enough to drive you crazy. One diet after another and you are supposed to “pick one.” I didn’t realize how confusing that might be for the average person. Well, here is the good news. They really aren’t all that different. The Mediterranean diet has 

Every bite you eat is either fighting disease or feeding it.

A hundred or so years ago people ate whole food from their garden or farm and pasture raised or wild caught meat and fish. All the nutrients our bodies needed to fight infections and bugs were in the food. All the nutrients needed to create