Is the Paleo Diet for You?

Is the Paleo Diet for You?

The Paleo diet created by Loren Cordain is designed on the premise that we should only be eating foods that our Paleolithic ancestors could hunt and gather from nature. It isn’t entirely clear that we humans really know what the cavemen ate; after all we weren’t 

What Diet Will Allow You to Lose Weight and Keep It Off?

More and more often I talk to folks who are on a certain “diet.” The big question for them is, how can you keep the weight off permanently? Anyone who has ever done some serious calorie cutting or Weight Watchers knows, weight can be lost 

What do Diabetes and Epilepsy have in common?

This morning I watched a youtube presentation from the latest low-carb summit (Low Carb Breck 2018) by Dr. Eric Kossoff, specialist in epileptic children and ketogenic diets.  It brought back a memory. Two years ago I wandered the aisles in the health food store in 

Blossom Time!

With a friend at a local eatery for breakfast the other morning I observed a grandma and grandpa seated with their son and a grandson  who was about three years old. I should point out here that both grandma and grandpa were definitively obese, filling 

Sugar Calorie Creep!

Calories creep, just sneak up on you when you aren’t looking. You do need calories because they provide energy. Sources of calories (called macro-nutrients) are protein, fat, and carbohydrates (sugar). But vitamins and minerals (called micro-nutrients) are the stuff that makes that energy work for 

Are Artificial Sweeteners OK? (Page 95)

Are artificial sweeteners ok? This is discussed on page 95 in my book, “It’s All About the Food“. I suggested that stevia was the best current choice. But there are issues you need to consider. This short and simple article tells you more about what