Autoimmune – what is it?

Today’s question: “You keep talking about autoimmune diseases and I don’t think most people have these. So what is that and what’s the big deal?” Answer:  An autoimmune disorder occurs when your body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake. There are 

What to do about arthritis flares!

“I have arthritis and am sometimes in constant pain. I thought maybe it was gluten related so I eat gluten free bread but that didn’t help. The doctor says I have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and none of the medicine is working. What do I 

Symptom? Constipation. No wait, maybe the symptom is acne.

Symptom? Chronic Constipation.  No, wait, maybe the symptom is acne. Neither of these two symptoms is a “disease” and they don’t sound related but they have much in common. Both conditions are reflective of digestive issues.That seems weird I know because the  symptom shows up 

Western Diet Damages Gut Microbiota

Perhaps the most important result of a processed food diet is the damage done to your “gut.” The natural fiber in a whole food diet is food for the good bacteria. Some 80% of your immune system resides in your intestinal walls and that system