Is the Paleo Diet for You?

Is the Paleo Diet for You?

The Paleo diet created by Loren Cordain is designed on the premise that we should only be eating foods that our Paleolithic ancestors could hunt and gather from nature. It isn’t entirely clear that we humans really know what the cavemen ate; after all we weren’t 

What Diet Will Allow You to Lose Weight and Keep It Off?

More and more often I talk to folks who are on a certain “diet.” The big question for them is, how can you keep the weight off permanently? Anyone who has ever done some serious calorie cutting or Weight Watchers knows, weight can be lost 

Stop the assault on your body

In a recent post, Every Bite You Eat Is Either Fighting Disease or Feeding It, I said that “hundred or so years ago most of the chronic diseases so common today were rare or had never been heard of. There is a message here. These 

So – What about Inflammation

Inflammation is a hot health topic but I often wonder if folks understand what that means to them personally. Really important for those with diabetes, heart and various autoimmune diseases. These are people with extreme inflammation. From a dietary perspective, grain and legumes (beans) are 

Tomatoes are healthy – usually

“Look”, she said, extending her left hand, showing me the knuckles where knots had formerly been and the heel of her palm which had been so painful. The hand was now smooth and pain free.

My personal story with autoimmune disease

I am not a doctor and thank my lucky stars that I am not. The pressure must be intense. Instead I am among a much smaller group of scientists, doctors, and laymen who care more about preventing illness than treating it. None the less, some 

I am so sick of being sick!

I had lunch with a new acquaintance, Martha, a couple months ago. Our acquaintance began when all the tables in the restaurant were full and she graciously invited me to join her. She was a lovely and friendly lady and we liked each other right 

Your genes and your health

We always feel sorry for anyone who is sick and in pain. But aren’t you especially sorry when that someone is YOU and it goes on forever. In the beginning, whenever that was, it was just an aggravation. Then, slowly but surely, it got worse 

Peter, Miriam, and Jack Autoimmune Recoveries

In this posts, Autoimmune , I tried to bring you up to speed on autoimmune disease. In another post , There was no way that food could be causing this,  I shared three autoimmune recovery stories and promised to post more. True to my word, 

“There was no way that food could be causing this,” she said.

“I said there was no way that food could be causing this,” were Margaret’s words. “But I was wrong.” And indeed she was. In my last post, Autoimmune, I explained how autoimmune diseases happen. I promised to share the experiences of people who have accomplished