Greetings and Welcome,
As the book title suggests, the evolution of the standard American diet (also called the SAD diet because it truly is) has taken many of us down the cheap and easy path to ill health.
We may think everybody is sick, off and on. In truth, really healthy people are rarely sick but they don’t talk much about it. How many Facebook or Twitter posts say something like “Gosh, I feel so great today.”
Don’t be fooled. Frequent doctor visits and medications (including over the counter drugs) reflects a lack of health. Gaining weight slowly (or not so slowly) over time reflects a lack of health. At the absolute core of health is your diet.
More often than not, symptoms like bloating, stomach ache, sore joints, headaches, acid reflux, fatigue, general pain, weight gain or weight loss, sleeplessness (the list goes on and on), are the result of your body’s reaction to some food you are eating and your failure to consume the proper nutrients.
Treat those symptoms with a pill long enough and serious chronic diseases develop.
Really healthy now can mean living a quality life later. How long are you going to live? It’s a guess! Some dude texting while driving or a gas leak in your house could take you out anytime. What matters is enjoying the years you still have without significant illness.
My book, It’s All about the Food, explains how we got into this dietary pickle, how the SAD diet makes people sick, and helps you to decide what your personal diet ought to look like.
My promise is that it is a good book that can make a difference in your life. But don’t take my word for it. Click here to read the reviews. Then buy the book and put it on top of your to-read stack. All the profit from book sales goes to the Montgomery County Food Pantry in my hometown.
My research did not stop when my book went to press. The world of nutrition and health is on fast-forward. This is a good thing. As I learn new things, gain a new perspective, and hear of interests from you, I write new blog posts to share with you. Look to your right and see multiple recent blog posts listed. Click on any that draw your attention.
If you have a particular interest in any health issues, click on “categories” at the bottom of this page and then select any category you want to know more about. Or enter a search term by the magnifying glass at the top of the page. Any blogs I have posted within that category will immediately pop up on your screen.
If you have any questions or ideas on how I can make this website more helpful to you, click on “Contact” at the top of the screen and tell me about it. I promise to be responsive.
Pat Smith
Available from here.
- Paperback: 184 pages
- Publisher: Trinity Books (October 28, 2015)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0692567127
- ISBN-13: 978-0692567128
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches