So what should I eat for breakfast?

So what should I eat for breakfast?

My friend “Robert” tells me that my newspaper column readers want to know what they should eat. Or to put it another way, he suggests that saying to eat meat and vegetables isn’t quite specific enough. So today we are going to talk about breakfast.

Grain turned into flour, the least nutritious and highest carbohydrate thing that comes from the ground, will be missing from my suggestions.

Contrary to popular belief, anything is okay for breakfast. For example, leftovers from supper are fine. I have been known to eat chili. However, if you prefer to stick to habit here are suggestions.

Bacon/sausage/ham/hamburger/chicken and eggs.

Eggs fried, scrambled, poached, hard or soft boiled. Variations on a theme include omelets – cheese omelet, vegetable omelet (saute any vegetables and then add the egg mix), a crustless frittata or quiche. A typical breakfast is also wonderful for lunch or dinner. Here is a link to a veritable treasure trove of egg recipes.

There are ways to prepare egg stuff in bulk for later use. This link shows many variations for egg cups.

Warning: Maybe you think this meal requires the typical grain-based bread stuff like toast, bagel, or pancakes. Not recommended for anyone who is pre-diabetic or diabetic (about half of us), has cardiovascular issues or gluten issues like Celiac disease.

If life can’t go on without biscuits and gravy, keto biscuits are an option.

This link takes you to a recipe for biscuits and gravy made with almond flour. In fact, there are recipes for keto pancakes. “Ketomama” has some good stuff.

And there are coconut flour pancakes. Here is a link to that.

There are many alternatives on pancakes if you just look for them. This link has many good options.

Pancakes can be topped with berries and even whipped cream.

If life can’t go on without hash browns here is cauliflower hash browns.

Potatoes are not a bad thing unless you happen to be pre-diabetic or diabetic (which half of us are). But cauliflower is a super substitute when potatoes are not on your okay list. In the future as we move through other meals you will find all kinds of stuff you can do substituting cauliflower for potatoes and rice.

Home made keto granola cereal made from nuts and seeds.

That means there is no grain or sugar. This website provides a recipe, It can be made in bulk and then doled out at breakfast. You can find commercial keto granola on line. Read the ingredient list.

Fair warning, there will be nothing cheap about granola cereal. Any milk you choose (although I suggest full fat vs low fat and preferably cow dairy.

If you have a digestive issue with cow dairy then another milk substitute like almond or coconut (without added sugar) works for making the cereal wet. But from a nutritional perspective cow or goat’s milk beats the substitutes hands down.

Plain Greek yogurt topped with keto granola or just chopped nuts and fruit (real fruit, not canned).

This is actually my go-to dessert.

Any flavored yogurt you find at a store will have added sugar which is best avoided. As suggested for milk, ideally this will be full fat yogurt. If the added fruit doesn’t quite make the yogurt sweet enough, I would suggest you get some liquid stevia (which is a natural sweetener). It takes literally only a drop. More only makes it bitter.

At home or eating out

You have no doubt noted that most of these recipes have to be prepared at home. If your schedule or willingness to cook is limiting. If you are inclined to “eat out” don’t expect these non-grain/no sugar alternatives to be available. So you can do what I do. Eat eggs and bacon/sausage/ham at your favorite restaurant.

And if you have forgotten why the grain and sugar isn’t a good idea, you might buy my book, It’s All about the Food on Amazon.  You can also find it at Mount Ida Pharmacy, Bob’s Food City, Marilyn’s Old Country Store, and the Chamber of Commerce visitors center in Mount Ida, Arkansas.