
Type 1 Diabetes and Ketoacidosis

Question “I have a young male family member who has Type 1 diabetes. He has had many times that he has been in ketoacidosis and hospitalized. I don’t know much about this except its not good. Is there anything we can do to help him 

Bert’s Story

On August 11, I received an email from “Bert,” a 76 year old male reader wondering what kind of diet would help him lower his cholesterol so he could avoid taking a statin. Between August 11 and the 25th, Bert and I “talked” and learned 

Overweight, diabetic, and high cholesterol

Question “A while back you wrote about a guy who wanted to know about a diet to reduce his cholesterol. I think his name was Bert. He was a skinny guy and you helped him to fix his diet. I need that kind of help 

Is ozempic right for you?

Question “My doctor prescribed Ozempic for my diabetes because she wants me to lose weight and I have stage 3 kidney disease. She said somebody did a study showing that the drug in Ozempic helps with kidney disease. You don’t seem to think well of 

Could it be cancer?

Question “My friend next door has lost a lot of weight pretty fast. I asked her what diet she was on and she said she wasn’t. And she hasn’t been taking one of those drugs. But she does like how she looks in her clothes. 

“The Calcium Paradox” – the bone/artery connection

How are your bones? Maybe your doctor says you have osteoporosis or osteopenia. Osteopenia is when your bones are weaker than normal but not so far gone that they break easily, the mark of osteoporosis. Sometimes you get diagnosed by a bone density test ordered 

Health Care versus Sick Care

Here we are in the throes of an intense and, for many, uncomfortable movement to reduce federal government spending. At the grand level, it is really hard to argue with the need. Depending on where you look, the US federal government’s annual income is ~$5 

The Early, Easy Message

The Early, Easy Message

Statistics show that about 85% of diabetics are overweight or obese. But that leaves 15% who are not. Why would that be and what should they do? Everyone’s situation is a little different. Maybe you could use some help identifying your personal differences and how 

A Reader’s Question about Cholesterol

A Reader’s Question about Cholesterol

Question “I read in your book about cholesterol and I think I understood it. Now my doctor says my cholesterol is too high. Am I supposed to be worried about that?” Answer The cholesterol information in my book is accurate but a bit incomplete in 

When You Don’t Know You are a Pioneer

Some of us remember when ATMs were a new idea. I am personally not a pioneer, figuring you can always tell the pioneers by the arrows in their butts. So I was entertained by the ultimate ATM issues that were not initially anticipated. But I