So what should I eat for breakfast?

So what should I eat for breakfast? My friend “Robert” tells me that my newspaper column readers want to know what they should eat. Or to put it another way, he suggests that saying to eat meat and vegetables isn’t quite specific enough. So today 

Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Lose Weight and Keep It Off

My recent post Good News for the New Year highlighted two successful weight loss stories published in The DeQueen Bee, DeQueen, Arkansas. Two women (I called them Cathy and Augusta) decided they had dealt with overweight trials and tribulations quite long enough and did something 

Good News for the New Year!

Good News for the New Year!

The clock ticks toward the New Year.  It might be time for a health resolution and it makes some sense to look at success stories. Perhaps you will be motivated in resolution by the successes of others, especially if you want to lose weight.   

Gasoline in the fuel tank is useless if the motor doesn’t run

We humans sometimes want to believe that food is just to make us happy. We relish the taste and the social aspects of eating. And while these are good things, both are really just side benefits.

No, Lisa. You should not change your diet.

Lisa and her spouse have been on a “keto” diet for many months. That means they have largely eliminated commercially processed foods, grain, and sugar from their diet. Being the fine wife that she is, Lisa’s principal interest was to help avoid the diabetes that 

Fasting – good or bad?

What about fasting? In an earlier post we discussed some confusion about a “keto” diet and whether it should be considered dangerous. Well, what about “fasting?” Should people be doing that or not? Apparently some have been told that diabetics shouldn’t “fast.” Fasting is not 

Conversations and Misunderstandings about Diet

It’s a new year! Let’s just leap into this new year by considering some of the latest things I hear about what is “OK” and “not OK” about diet right here at home in Montgomery County, AR, and across the world. It is exciting, actually, 

Too Dang Much Insulin

Too Dang Much Insulin! In my last post on cholesterol, we landed squarely on the first contributor to most chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease. That would be hyperinsulinemia (too dang much insulin). The other small player is your genes. Most of us have no clue 

Sound Familiar?

Sound Familiar?

“Dang,” she said. “I went on a diet and lost 20 pounds. Then I went off the diet and gained 25 pounds. I tried exercise but it didn’t help. Now I have to go on another diet because my son is getting married and the new 

Decision Time – Which Diet is Right for You?

Decision Time – Which Diet is Right for You?

With any luck at all, you have been following my articles on diet choices. You learned about the standard American Diet (appropriately called the SAD diet), Paleo, Keto, vegetarian/vegan, and carnivore.  If you missed any, you will find them by clicking on the names above.